Campaign Landing Page – Visiting Angels
Visiting Angels (web site ) is a network of home care agencies and is the nation’s leading provider of non-medical senior home care services, providing in-home care, elder care, respite care, senior personal care, elderly care and companion care services.
Visiting Angels at Eastside & North Seattle is growing, and needed to recruit more qualified local-area caregivers. Based on this business need, a FanZappy principal worked with the business owner to collect the business requirements and define the campaign objectives. A FanZappy on-demand project team was formed consisting of the principal, web designer, developer, test and operations, and analyst. The team worked together, to design and implement a multi-channel local caregiver recruiting campaign for Visiting Angels.
This recruiting campaign utilized multiple marketing channels, including web, social media, and advertising, to outreach to and engage with potential candidates from the local service area. As a regulated industry, candidates who wish to become caregivers in the state of Washington must pass certain state certifications. Accordingly, the campaign was designed to find and drive interested prospects to a landing page to pass a caregiver qualification self test. A measurable lead-gen success was defined as the capture of contact information from a qualified candidate who passed the self test. A second goal of the campaign was also established, which is to pass the contact information from local prospects who’d be willing to be trained and obtain required state certification to a partner company that specializes in caregiver training.
The Landing Page
BACKGROUND: The Anatomy of a Landing Page
This piece of infographics from Kissmetrics best illustrates must-have content and components on a landing page:
Source: Kissmetrics blog
The landing page we designed for this campaign can be found at:

Or visit the live page here:
Above the fold
Large-font and bold engaging headline text, the owner’s personal video calling qualified candidates to apply for the job, and a large call-to-action (CTA) button are all clearly presented above the fold. A visitor can click on the business logo to visit the company web site for more information about our client.
Below the fold
Three feature blocks about why candidates should apply for the job are presented right below the fold: The Difference, Benefits, and Opportunity, each with an engaging image that further establishes the client’s brand. We also added a caregiver’s testimonial to help increase client infinity with job candidates, together with a repeat of the CTA button. Next on the landing page, we included client’s achievements and industry credentials. At the bottom of the landing page, a candidate can follow the client on social media sites and install client’s own branded mobile app.
Mobile and Search
The landing page was also designed and tested to be mobile responsive and search engine friendly before launch.
Workflow Optimization

Instead of sending everyone to the full online caregiver job application, which is complex, time consuming to complete, and requires information about the state certification, FanZappy created and hosted an anonymous caregiver self-test that can be easily completed in just 30 seconds. By having a quick self-test to screen candidates online, we decreased the user abandonment rate through the lead-gen process. We also saved the client time by eliminating the need to contact and follow up with non-qualified candidates.
Based on the outcome of the self test , we implemented a follow-through process with the following operational logic:
The candidate passed all the following screening criteria in the self test
- Has required state certification
- Is from local market area
- Is available to work within hiring time frame
- Has needed means to work (car, cell phone)
In response, the landing page will
- Forward the candidate to the full online application
- Send a congratulations email to the candidate with a link to the full online application and client’s contact information
- Sends test pass notification to the client follow-up team with the captured contact info
Upon receiving the notification, the client team will follow up with a call to help the candidate complete the full application.
The candidate passed all screening criteria in the self-test, except that:
- He does not have the required state certification
- But he agrees to be contacted for training
In response, the landing page will
- Send a thank-you email to the candidate with client’s contact info
- Send a partial-pass notification to the training team with the captured contact information
Upon receiving the notification, the training team will follow up with the candidate about certification training opportunities.
A candidate would failed the self-test when any the following screening criteria was not met:
- Does not have required state certification nor willing to be trained
- Is not from the local area
- Is not available to work within the hiring time frame
- Does not have needed means to work (car, cell phone)
In response, the landing page will
- Send a thank-you email to the candidate with client’s contact information and encourage the candidate to come test again when his situation changes.
- Send a test failure notification to client.
There will be no follow-up by the client after a self-test failure.
For more information about this recruiting campaign, please follow the link here to view our case study report.
A full report of this comprehensive marketing campaign can be found here.
Browse other projects FanZappy implemented for Visiting Angels.
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